Our News

Bangalore Waste to Energy Integrated Waste Management Project: End of 2022

As the year comes to an end, we would like to update you one last time (for the year) on our Plant with a small update from the site visit Bangalore airport (BIAL) MD & CEO Hari Marar
Little by little, all the essential components and pieces are coming together and we come one step closer towards Decarbonising. I would like to take this time and commemorate everyone’s hard work and dedication towards making one of our dream projects come to life in less than a year.   
It takes a team of very talented individuals to plan, measure, construct, reconstruct, test and redo all these steps with precision and excellence.  
At NexusNovus, we are all about celebrating our achievements as a team and fighting a common goal, to decarbonize and change the game of renewable energy.  
A huge shout to all our partners from Colubris CleanTech, Adverio, Ecofinity, BIAL Team and of course our on-ground site team at NexusNovus. This is just the start to what we can do to make the planet a better place.  
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